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Mar 25, 2004 5:52 pm re: re: re: re: re: re: Fewer Ulcers -- Dan Kennedy says: Fire 'em all!
Timothy Wenk

> Matt W. wrote:

>MW: Are you creating a JOB for yourself or truly growing a business? The answer to this question is not always clear, but each require a completely different approach to be successful.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<< TW: I agree with this. Many people confuse being self-employed (giving yourself a job, doing what you love, etc.) and being an TRUE entrepreneur, which involves the (almost) exact opposite approach of taking yourself OUT of your business picture (E-Myth thinking, etc.). Not many people, unfortunately, catch on to this distinction.
>MW: It is not realistic to think you can build & grow a business completely by yourself (except maybe in the early days of the business). Hiring employees is inevitable as your business grows. For example, if you find yourself on the phone or at a client's site most of the day, how can you produce/develop/provide your products or services? And let's say somehow you were able to do production & handle all your clients yourself, who handles sales & marketing? Who handles Accounting, who is guiding the business into the future, who is streamlining your business processes, who's doing market research to determine your next offering ... etc. If you are growing a business, the point will come where you must hire employees - or stop growing... Employees are what makes your business cost effective.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< TW: This, I feel, is a dangerous + faulty assumption. There are plenty of ways to LEVERAGE yourself, OTHER than hiring employees, as such! -- and that was just the point of my other post.

>MW: On the other hand, maybe you only want to do enough work to feed your family, pay the bills, & maybe put a little money away, and not extend beyond your own personal skills/ability/creativity - Then Congratulations! You have created yourself a JOB. It's all on the shoulders of the person in the mirror. You are now limited by a single insight, creativity, energy level, production output, calendar, time management, etc.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< TW: Again, you are assuming that, in order to AVOID the "giving yourself a JOB" trap, your only other option is to hire employees. There are many, many multi-millionaires who would beg to differ with that assumption.
-- TW

>> Timothy Wenk wrote:
>> Dan Kennedy, one of my marketing mentors, recommends not getting involved in any business that requires employees.
>>I tend to agree.
>>Way too many headaches -- and, as he points out, way too many opportunites for them (your employees) to sue you (the employer).
>>Problem is (and it's not insurmountable), y'just have to find other ways to LEVERAGE yourself and what you do.
>>-- TW

Private Reply to Timothy Wenk (new win)

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