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Mar 25, 2004 5:14 pm re: re: re: Fewer Ulcers
Steve Hardman

You are missing something. The purpose was not to vent my anger or "evil" as you called it. I called, told them what they did and that they lost potential business for the company, permanently. And excitement? I don't know where you get that.

The point of doing so was:

1) As a business owner, I want to know if my employees are offensive to others. You have no opportunity to correct the situation if you just don't know. In a small market, one or two bad employees can sink your ship before you even set sail. How many prospective customers would you like your employees to alienate with disrepectful behavior before you know about it? For me, the answer is only one.

2) Every lead costs money. If an employee doesn't act on it or otherwise trashes the lead, the next lead costs you twice as much. That's to say nothing of the loss of that potential business. If you are business owner or manager, your two primary activities are to enhance revenue and manage costs. Would you want to know if your employee was on your team or working against you? I would.

3) An employee that does this to one client will do it to them all and most people will tell everyone they know about the company and what their experience was. Note that I didn't mention company names and I didn't go around trashing the business. I told the one person who stood to benefit most from the knowledge and the only person that had the opportunity to effect change. If they didn't, that's their business. Would you want a customer to call and tell you why they would not do business with you? Or would you prefer to let this rogue employee be out there, alientating client after client who will be telling everyone else they know? Personally, even if there was no resurecting the business, I'd want to know so that it would not happen again elsewhere.

4) I did not submit my lead to the salesperson. I submitted it to the company. If I tell the salesperson why they aren't getting the business, do you think this is what they are going to carry back to the office? Not a chance. At their company, it is going to be MY company that is likely to be trashed, not their own behavior.

5) Telling the errant employee is pointless. They thought this kind of activity was acceptable to begin with. Are they going to see the light from me? Nope. I'm just a single client and there are more where they come from. However, if they get back to the office and are summarily dismissed based on their actions, they will probably pay more heed to proper business etiquette in the next job.

You are equating this rational with physically shooting someone's head off? LOL You have to be kidding. It has to do with certain expectations of respect. Bad behavior that is ignored only breeds similar behavior and much of what is wrong in society. People need to be held accountable and understand that their behavior is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

> Rebecca & Ken Aspinwall wrote: > Eric, >

>I see no value in what Steve did. When you think about it, his major excitement came from spreading rancor. What's the purpose of calling those bosses other than to stir human grief? It's Chicken Little. >

>I actually agree about not liking the cigar or the girl. It just seems pointless to call their bosses and unload. If I am missing anything important, let me know, but returning evil for evil is not a solution. >

>I knew a record producer who acted badly toward people and eventually, someone shot his head off. Enough already! >


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