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Mar 29, 2004 2:41 am re: re: Time for a change
Deborah Rose

Here is a simple excercise that can help you define your goals exquisitely and in a very detailed way. Once you have a clear vision, achievements are much more easily accomplished.

Ask yourself “How is it possible that I (they) don’t have it now?

1. Stated in the positive. What specifically do you want?

2. Specify present situation. Where are you now? (associated)

3. Specify outcome. What will you look like; say to yourself, sound like, feet, etc. when you have it as if now. Be sure future picture is dissociated.

4. Specify evidence procedure. How will you know you have it? What will you see, hear and feel when you have it?

5. Is it congruently desirable? What will this outcome get for you or allow you to do.

6. Is it self-initiated and maintained? Is it only for you? (In other words, this outcome is not for someone else.)

7. Is it appropriately contextualized? When, where, how and with whom do you want it?

8. What resources needed? What do you have now, and what do you need to get your outcome? Have you ever had or done this before? Do you know anyone who has?

9. Is it ecological? For what purpose do you want this? What will you gain or lose if you have it? What won’t happen if you get it? What will happen if you don’t get it? What won’t happen if you don’t get it?

10. What Is your first step?

I do this on everything I can and walk my friends and family through this process. I have yet to see anyone NOT get their outcome once they knew what they wanted, that is was self inititated and maintained and they had the resources needed to accomplish it.

Deb Rose

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