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Mar 26, 2004 12:18 pm Hi Steve .... From Response: Steve Matt and Ken
Sue T.

Good Morning All. Well I stand corrected. I went back this morning and read every single post from the first one on this topic to the last. First and foremost allow me to say that if in any way I sounded judgmental? or made this about "me" or my thoughts? I apologize. :) That was not my intent. Allow me to start over from the beginning as I should have in the first place.

Well, my story about the woman who called and was yelling and cursing, certainly had nothing to do with you in the least. That was just a story about being offended on a different level in order to say that I understood what you were saying about how certain things are unacceptable. Perhaps I should have been more clear.

As far as reading the other posts go and making an assumption about the rest? You are 100% correct. Instead of going back to the beginning, as I did this morning, I took it from the last few responses and responded myself. Although knowing myself as I do, when I start with saying someone is an "idiot?" I'm usually angry... so that's how I perceived that you were angry. In a later post you clarified things (as I have read this morning) and although my opinion may not mean much in the grand scheme of things, I thought "oh, now I see" because I had clarification etc. I can come across rather strongly myself from time to time and people can, as I have here, misinterpret my emotion as well. Particularly on topics I feel strongly about.

I know you are not going to be responding as indicated in your last post, what I will say again is what I said initially as well... you did the right thing and have every right to ... and that you know your limits and what is or what is not acceptable to you. I still stick to that 100% because it's something that I find lacking these days. So in closing, Steve? If I have offended you or sounded as though I was being judgmentative, I apologize ... that was not my intent. I believe it's great to address things ... I do it all the time. As I am doing here :) Even if I eat a little crow from time to time LOL.

And I still say this as well "In todays world, lets face it, on many levels sex sells, arrogance is intimidating and sells too ... the pressure methods and the schemes people concoct are amazing! Course neither you, nor I have to play. I'm not going to. So when these things come up, in any venue, knowing your limits ? Is a beautiful thing. My congradulations to Steve for removing something he felt was not going to work for him or his business in his life."

Lastly! I got that Grape seed extract you mentioned :) It's working! :)!

> Steve Hardman wrote: > Sue, >

>I have to say that I find this quite amusing. I am curious as to what in my post indicated "anger" or that I was infuriated. Finding the smell of a cigar in my office did a temporary number on me, but why not? Did I relay this? You bet. But calls were not made in anger and I don't think that I indicated that they were. Did I say that I yelled or screamed at them, called them names or attacked their business? Nope Just told them that I don't want them calling on me anymore and why. >

>Did I say that I was "soooo angry"? I don't see it anywhere in my post, but then my eyes aren't as good as they used to be. >

>Was it the reference to "incompetance" that indicates anger to you? Incompetance is a fact and only relates to the abilities of the party afflicted with it. It states nothing more than a fact. It in itself does not inpart any meaning to the attitude of the affected party unless of course, this is how you react to incompetance. But then that would be a projection of your own feelings, not mine. Personally, I am annoyed by it, but not angered. Incompetant people are not worth the bother. >

>As a side note, I just got a phone call back from the president company who employed the girl mentioned. He called to THANK me for my response as this was a new hire. Now he was angered, not by my call, but having met the girl at the door, he realized the reflection on his company when he saw her. >

>I think you read too much of Ken's response into what I wrote and I have no idea where he was coming from, equating my response with "anger, excitement, rancor, evil", and evidently 'blowing someone's head off'. LOL That sounds like Ken's problem, not mine. >

> > > >> Sue Tosto wrote: >>

I see many things here and good advise. I'm thinking about how riled up Steve was with this meeting with the two people he found to be totally inappropriate. They obviously crossed certain lines which he finds unacceptable and rightfully so, he has his limits and what he does and does not find acceptable.

>> >>

What concerns me is "exactly" what is it that infuriated him so. Why are you soooo angry at these people? If I'm understanding everything correctly, you can get rid of them, as well as contact their supervisor and advise them of how you felt their reps or sales people were unprofessional etc., and that you no longer wish to do business with them. Which I see as your "right" ... you also have the right to ask them to leave your office never to return as well. After all, it is your business ... and what you say goes.

>> >>

What I'd like to suggest, should you ever find yourself in this position again ... to avoid how annoyed you were, is to ask them to leave ... say you're sorry you find their attire or manner intrusive/unacceptable and then follow this up with a call to their place of business with your complaint. The good news is that you've gotten it off your chest, removed the offending people and now you can let it go. Do this all in a nice and professional manner .. which I am sure you would. :) Finding something unacceptable in business is fine, addressing the issue directly is fine as well. I'm more concerned with how angry you seem about the entire situation. Deal with it! Then let it go! :) I'm sure by now, you are not as upset over it and it has passed, we all do that.

>> >>

I had a woman the other day lash out at me for someone elses error. She was put in her place, "very" quickly. As was the friend who called directly after her. The first woman called to appologize and things went smoothly after that. Taking control doesn't have to be a war zone and how you approach it matters a great deal. Which I'm sure you know. I had a small window to catch my own temper when this woman began yelling and cursing towards me on the phone and believe me, I was not happy. But this was addressed quickly, directly and professionally. Matter resolved. This may all seem like the obvious but we teach people how to treat us, we do business the way we all see fit. It's how things are.

>> >>

In todays world, lets face it, on many levels sex sells, arrogance is intimidating and sells too ... the pressure methods and the schemes people concoct are amazing! Course neither you, nor I have to play. I'm not going to. So when these things come up, in any venue, knowing your limits ? Is a beautiful thing. My congradulations to Steve for removing something he felt was not going to work for him or his business in his life. NOW let it go ... and find something/someone that will ok? :)! :) I hope I"ve helped a bit...

>> >>

Private Reply to Sue T. (new win)

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