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Jul 03, 2004 6:13 pm re: re: re: Who and Why
steve chichester
I absolutely agree Eric. How do those partnerships you refer to work? A contractual agreement? Different from "connections?" You are in the coaching business? Consulting?

Part of my business is representation of a company that specializes in interactive webdesign, hosting, and marketing sites for small to medium business, so makes useful contacts with wholesalers, marketing organizations, brick and mortar retail organizations, chambers of commerce, sales organizations...That's a pretty wide range. Leaves out website designers, people who want to design their own, people who have no influence with the decisions regarding their company's marketing and/or website development.

There is another area: The same company offers inexpensive but thorough video web conferencing and video email both free standing, and as part of your interactive website. So sales consultants and trainers have a huge opportunity to make presentations via email, as well as interactive live online video webcasting.

Since even "soloprenuers" benefit greatly from this program, including attorneys, sales reps, website designers, software designers...artists...mlm people.

Anyone who wants to get a message across more easily, have it available for people in THEIR time frame, audio/video communicate live internationally from their desktop.

At the risk of leaving this sounding scattered, I'll leave it up to the readers imagination to visualize how they can use it, and therefrom who the contacts might be. Steve

> Eric Sohn wrote: > Steve - > >OK, let's go for referral sources, Steve - what kind of person would be a good connection? Industry, company size, geography... > >For example, for me, I have a partnership with an HR firm (PEO, benefits administration, etc.) and am developing one with a marketing firm. Why? Because they can refer me to small businesses, preferably in the creative industry (my marketing focus) or technology arena (my background). Similarly, a web hosting firm, design firm, PR firm or advertising agency with customers who are small businesses (but not solopreneurs) are good connections for me. > >It's very easy to ask for a customer - but it's just one customer. I want people to think of connectors - people who can bring you lots of businesses, either directly or through multiple hops (think Six Degrees of Separation or - gasp! - LinkedIn). > >Now, with that clarification - tell me who you want to meet. > >Coach Eric > >> steve chi wrote: >> Ques 1. If the people on this network could make a connection for you with one specific type of person, who/what type of person would it be? ---People who see the value of my services and want to hire me, or refer me to others who could benefit.

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